Affording Outstanding Quality
Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is committed to accessibility for families at all income levels. Therefore, we'd like to talk with you about ways to solve any tuition challenge you might be facing. Decatur Heritage is blessed to be able to offer two avenues for needs-based assistance in order to make a Decatur Heritage education more affordable.
1) For many families in Alabama income tax credits of $7,000 may be applied toward tuition at non-public schools NEXT SCHOOL year! This benefit to families is because the CHOOSE Act was passed by the legislature and governor of Alabama. There are many in our school community that will be eligible for CHOOSE Act dollars to be applied to 2025-2026 tuition. (And by 2027-2028 this benefit is scheduled to be available to all Alabama families regardless of income.)
Is your family eligible? Check out the income eligibility guidelines below. If you are eligible, keep your eyes open for future announcements from us of when you can officially register for the CHOOSE Act tax credit funds. For next year, the $100,000 million of tax credit funds will be made available. You are eligible for next year's funds if your family gross income is below the limits listed below.
· A family of 2 earning less than $61,320
· A family of 3 earning less than $77,460
· A family of 4 earning less than $93,600
· A family of 5 earning less than $109,740
· A family of 6 earning less than $125,880
Follow this LINK for the Parent’s Guide to the CHOOSE Act, a more detailed understanding of the program and the process used for receiving these beneficial tax credit funds.
2) Through our affiliated Scholarship Granting Organization there is the potential for significant and substantial support, a result of the Alabama Accountability Act.
3) DHCA has its own tuition reduction solutions that are needs based, as well. Tuition assistance is available for those who qualify. If you are interested in applying for a grant through FACTS, please click here.
We'd love to talk with you about these options. A premiere Christian education for your child is accessible!
Annual, semi-annual, and monthly payment plans are available. Additionally, DHCA supports families through our Flexible Tuition solutions. Our 2024-2025 Tuition Schedule shares additional information related to enrollment fees and discounts. The 25-26 Tuition information should be available in January of 2025.
K4 Early Dismissal
K4 Full Day
Lower School
K5 Kindergarten - 6th
Upper School